I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. Russian / Русский: SpoilerЭто альтернативная история о Белоснежке, в которой я переродилась её мачехой… Я оказалась в мире книги, в которой мачеха так завидовала своей падчерице, что попыталась убить её отравленным яблоком. Так бы и произошло, если бы моя милая прелестная симпатяжка-Бланш не сумела меня пленить… — Забавно. С каких это пор ты так привязана к Бланш? Этот мужчина, будь он проклят, продолжает мне мешать! ー Бланш и моя дочь тоже. Я требую, чтобы ты извинился передо мной за свои подозрения. ー А если я откажусь? ー Сегодня вечером ждите меня в своей спальне, Ваше Величество. ー … ー Ради вас мне даже удалось достать невероятно сексуальные трусики. — С широкой улыбкой на лице я нанесла ему удар ниже пояса. ー Если пожелаете, то я могу показать их Вам прямо сейчас. Видели бы вы выражение его лица… Я подняла свой подбородок и победно посмотрела на него сверху вниз.
Jan 26, 2021
I’ll Become The Tyrant’s Tutor (PROMO)
I’ll Become The Tyrant’s Tutor (PROMO)
If there is no “Beauty” in “The Beauty and the Beast”, then who shall lift the Beast’s curse? “One day, someone trapped in a world of black and white will appear, and stain your world with blood.” Thanks to this prophecy, the “Beast”, Prince Reynsis, was abandoned and left to fend for himself. To undo the curse, he needs the “Beauty”, but the only problem is-- "Who the hell is this beauty supposed to be?!" I reincarnated into my own, incomplete novel before I wrote about the beauty’s appearance! All I know about the “Beauty” is that she has black hair and crimson eyes...but after witnessing Prince Reynsis’ unfortunate childhood firsthand, I resolved to go and find the Beast’s beauty myself! Türkçe / Turkish Spoiler“Güzellik ve Canavar”da “Güzellik” yoksa öyleyse canavarın lanetini kim kaldıracak? “Bir gün, siyah beyaz bir dünyada tuzağa düşmüş biri ortaya çıkacak ve dünyanızı kanla lekeleyecektir.” Bu kehanet sayesinde, “Canavar”, Prens Reynsis terk edilmiş ve kendine karşı koymaya bırakılmıştır. Laneti geri almak için “Güzelliğe” ihtiyacı var ancak tek sorun-- "Bu güzelliğin kim olması gerekiyor ki?!" Güzelliğin görünüşü hakkında detayları yazmadan önce kendi tamamlanmamış romanıma reenkarne oldum! “Güzellik” hakkında bildiğim tek şey siyah saçları ve koyu kırmızı gözleri var olduğu... Ama Prens Reynsis'in talihsiz çocukluğuna ilk elden şahit olduktan sonra, Canavarın güzelliğini kendim bulmaya karar verdim!
Feb 06, 2021