Be The Actor
Jang Young-guk’, who achieved great success as a supporting actor.
Received the first and honorable Best Supporting Actor Award at the Acting Awards.
However, on that day, his mother passed away…
Horrified by the death of his mother, whom he neglected for years, Young-guk decided to end his life…
Before his death, he longingly recalled the warmth of his mother and the peaceful memories of the past. He regretted turning his back on those memories…
At that moment, he suddenly regressed to his childhood…
“I regressed, to that past I missed”
“As an inescapable fact, this life is just…”
Once again, the story of a person who wants to live as an actor begins.
Will he be able to live a happy life unlike the previous life?
I Will Live as an Actor Chapter 104
Oct 09, 2024
To Be An Actor
Jang Young-guk’, who achieved great success as a supporting actor.
Received the first and honorable Best Supporting Actor Award at the Acting Awards.
However, on that day, his mother passed away…
Horrified by the death of his mother, whom he neglected for years, Young-guk decided to end his life…
Before his death, he longingly recalled the warmth of his mother and the peaceful memories of the past. He regretted turning his back on those memories…
At that moment, he suddenly regressed to his childhood…
“I regressed, to that past I missed”
“As an inescapable fact, this life is just…”
Once again, the story of a person who wants to live as an actor begins.
Will he be able to live a happy life unlike the previous life?
Chapters 104
Oct 09, 2024
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