As Node Js is easy to learn, it is this reason why many aspiring developers are opting for it. The job searches in Node.js has increased to more than 50 %. However, a developer in Node.js should have skills to gain trajectory in Node.js. Let’s get down to the 5 -important skills Node Js Developer should be acquiring:

1. A developer should be aware of how to code Node.js works
2. Learn to perform and manage web application frameworks
3. How to work at the Front end
4. Learn how to store dynamic data in a database
5. Must be acquainted with Asynchronous programming

Besides these five essential skills, there are several other integrities that a developer should be acquainted with. Technically Node.Js is a cross-platform, open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment. Unlike other frameworks, you can execute JavaScript code within the web browser. It makes the website development process quicker, scalable, and more flexible.
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