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Anime Club
Anime Club App, a platform where Anime fans can get together in the form of communities and chat freely with each other. Besides sharing your favorite animes and videos in the communities, you can make friends, join a discussion, etc. Come and find the communities that interest you, and explore more fantastic things.
Explore: explore interesting and wonderful animes, and communicate and share with others on those of your interest.
Community: direct contact with gurus and masters to obtain enormous updated animes, dynamics, special episode, resources and extra images.
Friends: connect with more anime lovers, gurus, writers to make friends and communicate on those of your interest.
Multi-language: Anime Club is a universal platform supporting multiple languages.
Could anyone help me translate this into Spanish, Japanese, French, Portuguese
Anime Club App, a platform where Anime fans can get together in the form of communities and chat freely with each other. Besides sharing your favorite animes and videos in the communities, you can make friends, join a discussion, etc. Come and find the communities that interest you, and explore more fantastic things.
Explore: explore interesting and wonderful animes, and communicate and share with others on those of your interest.
Community: direct contact with gurus and masters to obtain enormous updated animes, dynamics, special episode, resources and extra images.
Friends: connect with more anime lovers, gurus, writers to make friends and communicate on those of your interest.
Multi-language: Anime Club is a universal platform supporting multiple languages.
Could anyone help me translate this into Spanish, Japanese, French, Portuguese