My Status As An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Hero’s
My Status As An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Hero’s
(en-US) Oda Akira, a high school student who excels in erasing his presence, was summoned along with his classmates to another world. In this world of sword and magic, Akira and his classmates were asked to become heroes and bring down the demon king. Having a bad feeling about the king and the princess who asked them, Akira uses his special skills to sneak into the king’s library, in hopes of discovering the truth. Whether to help or abandon his classmates who knew nothing, it all depended on Akira. (ru-RU) Spoiler Однажды обычная группа второкурсников неожиданно перемещается в параллельный мир, где их встречает король одного из местных государств. Он просит студентов оказать помощь в войне с ужасающим Владыкой демонов, развязавшим войну между четырьмя континентами. Неожиданно для себя все узнают, что отныне обладают уникальными способностями и личной специализацией. Акира, мальчик-одиночка, всегда сторонившийся людей, обнаруживает, что уровень его способностей гораздо выше, чем у остальных однокурсников вместе взятых, и на самом деле он является... профессиональным убийцей. Скрыв от своих товарищей правду, Акира затевает собственную игру и вскоре открывает страшную правду о королевской семье. В своём путешествии он повстречает симпатичную эльфийскую девушку и отправится в гильдию авантюристов. Какие приключения ждут убийцу, который не желает становиться героем?
My Status As An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Brave's Chapter 27
Jul 25, 2023
Makenshi No Maken Niyoru Maken No Tame No Harem Life
Makenshi No Maken Niyoru Maken No Tame No Harem Life
An ever-righteous and sword-loving was your ordinary high schooler, Fujinomiya Soujirou. On a certain evening, he had his life cut short when he was stabbed by a robber in his home. However, in the mysterious space Soujirou appeared in afterwards, there was a certain being that introduced itself as a [God] of a world. This [God] asked if Soujirou was interested in living a bit longer. At that moment, together with his beloved katana, Soujirou consented to living in another world. However, when it concerned getting the cheat ability commonly bestowed by an otherworld God– he was simply told, “there aren’t any cheats.” Sent to the other world, he was able to bring with him the talking sword, [Hotarumaru/Little Firefly], and the sword that took his life, [Sakura]. In addition, the only thing the [God] chose to bestow him was a button down shirt and parachute pants. And so, in this other world, Soujirou was given a job called [Cursed Sword Master]. The [Cursed Sword Master], one who has the ability to bring out the personality of a sword. Soujirou with his beloved swords in another world were able to meet with a beautiful girl named Sistina, who held the unique job of [Acolyte] a type of combat priest-maid. He aims to raise a harem of katanas, while hunting monsters for his daily necessities. Though Soujirou fights, he also enjoys having a relaxing time building an onsen, capitalizing on creating new items taken from the vast knowledge of Earth’s many light novels, starting up a new organization, and daring …
Chapters 26.2
Nov 15, 2023